If you aren’t sure whether or not it’s time to swap out your old windows for new windows, here are five of the most common reasons why you might need new windows.
Windows are an essential part of your home. They let in the gorgeous morning sunlight that wakes you up every day and they beautifully frame the sunset every evening. The windows in your home are also an important part of keeping your energy bills low and inexpensive. If you aren’t sure whether or not it’s time to swap out your old windows for new windows, here are five of the most common reasons why you might need new windows.
The Windows Are Damaged, Warped, or Broken
Sometimes, windows can be repaired instead of needing an entire replacement. However, if the problems with your windows are significant, you need to swap out the entire thing. Even if the windows are usable after the repairs, they will never be in the same condition that they were before. Any issues with your windows after a repair are signs that you should opt for new windows.
Your Energy Bill is Climbing
Has your energy bill been steadily climbing since you moved into your home? Windows can provide heat in the winter thanks to sunlight, but they also let lots of cold air out of your home in the summer. Drafty windows are a huge cost to your home and they can raise your energy bills 10-25% every month. Installing new windows that are properly sealed and energy efficient will lower your energy bills right away.
Your Home Needs a Little Help
Just like your siding and roof, your windows are one of the few things that people can see on the outside of your home when they visit. Old windows with torn screens and warped window material make a bad first impression. If you are doing other major work to the exterior of your home, it’s also the perfect time to install new windows. New windows don’t just serve practical purposes, they also serve aesthetic ones.
Your Home Made it Through a Severe Weather Event
If your home just made it through a hurricane or tornado, it’s probably a little bit worse for wear. In many cases, roofing and windows are damaged. If your windows were under water at any point, or if they are damaged in the storm aftermath, you need new windows now. New windows will also protect your home in the event of another severe weather event.
You Live in a Historic Home
If you are renovating or remodeling a historic home with tacky new windows, try installing new windows that match the historical design of the home. The wrong windows can ruin the exterior aesthetic of your otherwise-gorgeous historical home.
New Windows from Blair Construction
For a beautiful new roof or new bathroom flooring planned and installed by professionals you can trust, contact Blair Construction. We have been serving our valued Maryland customers for almost thirty years and look forward to giving your roof the care it needs for years to come. Contact us online or give us a call at (410) 729-0777 to get a free in-home estimate. To see examples of our work and get updates on what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Houzz.