Are You Dealing with Storm Damage to Your Edgewater, MD Home? Let Us Help!

In Edgewater and its surrounding communities, a tornado warning became a storm damage-inflicted nightmare.
Even though Hurricane Ida has come and gone, your Edgewater roof may have sustained storm damage. Unfortunately, it brought with it some serious damage. Many areas across multiple states suffered various degrees of destruction. In Edgewater and its surrounding communities, a tornado warning became a storm damage-inflicted nightmare. Luckily, we have plenty of experience in remediating and repairing that kind of damage. Let us tell you more!
Leaky Roofs Call for Emergency Repairs
Given enough time, even a small leak in your roof can get worse. Mother Nature and Father Time aren’t very kind to the structures that humans build. As such, a leak in the roof requires urgent action. Letting storm damage go unaddressed only invites the possibility of further disaster down the line. One of Blair Construction’s specialties is repairing roofs. We also ensure timely maintenance. Our services are fast, effective, and reliable. In other words, we get the job done, so you don’t have to break a sweat. Our repairs last for years, but we also promise to provide thirty-day coverage if something goes wrong sooner than that.
We know how devastating it can be to lose your home after a major storm. Even when a force of nature doesn’t cause it, structural damage can undermine the safety of the home. Thus, our 24-hour emergency repair services are ready to go as soon as you give us a call.
Why Might You Need a Roof Replacement?
Total roof replacement is an inevitable part of homeownership. Your Edgewater home had probably seen better days, especially if it had a previous owner who was less than prudent when it came to upkeep. Either way, roof problems are often more serious than they seem at first. Cracked roof shingles or tiles are not minor issues. Likewise, it’s not a good idea to ignore mold growth or moss accumulation.
If the ceilings or rafters start showing signs of physical deterioration, it means you need some immediate maintenance. Stains and leaks should not be taken lightly since your energy costs could spiral out of control the longer you put off the replacement process. In the end, all Edgewater homeowners deserve the opportunity to make an informed decision. With that in mind, we are careful to prepare photographic evidence of your storm-damaged roof. Once you hear our professional opinions on how you should proceed, what you do next is up to you!
Other Services We Offer in Edgewater, Maryland, and Beyond!